Don't use the "default" profile name. Thunderbird has a nasty habit of once in a great while forgetting about the existence of a profile if it uses the default name. When this occurs you suddenly start up in the new account manager. You can avoid this by creating your profile with the <a href=" ... n">Profile Manager</a> and choosing a unique name. You can also specify where you want the profile to be stored. Just be careful because Thunderbird does not create a new profile folder if you choose your own folder location. You must create a new, empty folder first, (preferably with the same name as the new profile) and then choose that new folder in the Create Profile Wizard. For example, on Windows you could have a c:\profiles folder and within it, a "Thunderbird" subfolder and a "Firefox" subfolder. This makes it much easier to find your profile if you need to edit one of its files. Just do not store your profile within your Thunderbird <a href=" ... y">program installation</a> directory or it may be deleted when you upgrade.