GonePostal schreef:If you click on the drop-down list of address books and re-select the list appears. However, none of the search functions work. Shame about it all because it's a handy add-on.
Thanks for your reply. I was losing hope. I don't understand what you mean by "clicking on the drop-down list of address books and re-select the list" anyway... there is no drop-down list in the contacs sidebar pane...
deadpoet schreef:Thanks for your reply. I was losing hope. I don't understand what you mean by "clicking on the drop-down list of address books and re-select the list" anyway... there is no drop-down list in the contacs sidebar pane...
On my TB I've got 3 address books. When I'm on the 3-pane screen the Contacts Sidebar at the foot of the left hand sidebar is headed "Address Book:" below which there is a drop-down so I can pick one of the 3 books. My default setting is "Personal Address Book" which shows in the drop-down box but the data do not show when TB loads. I have to click on the drop-down and re-select "Personal Address Book" after which the panel fills with the address book data.
Edit: There is a pip to the left of the "Address Book:" text that toggles the drop-down box.
deadpoet schreef:On my TB I've got 3 address books. When I'm on the 3-pane screen the Contacts Sidebar at the foot of the left hand sidebar is headed "Address Book:" below which there is a drop-down so I can pick one of the 3 books. My default setting is "Personal Address Book" which shows in the drop-down box but the data do not show when TB loads. I have to click on the drop-down and re-select "Personal Address Book" after which the panel fills with the address book data.
Edit: There is a pip to the left of the "Address Book:" text that toggles the drop-down box.
Here's what my TB with the (empty) Contacts sidebar looks.
Where should this drop-down menu be located?
I have two address books: My personal one and one which TB generates by itself and calls "Collected addresses"; the latter one is empty though. Maybe that's why the drop-down menu doesn't show up?
deadpoet schreef:I have two address books: My personal one and one which TB generates by itself and calls "Collected addresses"; the latter one is empty though. Maybe that's why the drop-down menu doesn't show up?
Very strange. I've got three address books (two personal plus the TB). I can see a header which doesn't show in your view and all three show in the dropdown if I click on the box currently showing "Personal Address Book".
Very strange indeed. I probably got rid of it when I first installed the add-on, by clicking on the pip, and just forgot about its whole existence. Problem is, how do I activate it back? Option panel in the add-on section doesn't work anymore. It does work on a previous version of the add-on, but I'd have to install it... I will give it a try later. Do you know of how to activate it back without having to install another version?
Very strange indeed. I probably got rid of it when I first installed the add-on, by clicking on the pip, and just forgot about its whole existence. Problem is, how do I activate it back? Option panel in the add-on section doesn't work anymore. It does work on a previous version of the add-on, but I'd have to install it... I will give it a try later. Do you know of how to activate it back without having to install another version?
Sorry, can't help. Have you tried removing your current version, re-starting TB and re-installing?
Hallo, jij zal wel een Win gebruiker zijn, 7zip is er niet voor mijn Ubuntu Linux 16.04
Maar ik heb alles met het keurige Archiefbeheerder gedaan, doch de nieuw .xpi met de juiste bestanden en gegevens werkt niet in Thunderbird 52.3.0
Toch ligt het niet aan Thunderbird in Ubuntu Linux, zo weet ik van het Ubuntu forum. Het ligt aan de xpi-file. Blijkbaar gaat er toch iets mis. Die ontwerper is waarschijnlijk te lui en te geldbelust om een nieuwe versie te maken.
Toch weer vanuit het Adresboek zoeken en plakken, zeer omzichtig als je meerdere mailadressen hebt.
Tenzij jij toch nog een oplossing hebt.
Overigens heb ik inmiddels begrepen dat je deze extensie niet meer echt nodig hebt, want Thunderbird biedt zelf inmiddels ook een zijbalk met handige functionaliteit.
Over welke zijbalk heb jij het? Als het om de mappen gaat natuurlijk is die aanwezig.
Maar er is geen zijbalk voor het adressenboek, dit valt ook niet in te programmeren bij aanpassen.
Kortom, het gaat mij om mijn contacten. Lekker lijvig, adressenboek opstarten, zoeken, plakken. Lekker om een mail te zenden.
Op het Ubuntu forum zei ik al dat er tegenwoordig mensen zijn die drie maanden zonder computer en gsm zijn. Die werken met ouderwetse post en hebben naar eigen zeggen betere contacten. Kortom zonder een wat eenvoudige contactssidebar waarin adressen te zien zijn wordt een bericht zenden omslachtig. Ik ben sneller met een brief tikken. (tien vinger blindsysteem). Dus een handige functionaliteit ontdek ik niet omtrent de contacten.
Bedankt en groet.